The Usual (Hudell)
Be a good neighbor and get rid of the monsters that killed most of your village's population.
This game is still in development. Right now there are two dungeons fully implemented. That should keep you busy for 20 to 60 minutes total.
Asset Credits:
- 99% of the game's art is from Franuka.
- A few custom edits were made by Allann-ds.
- There's also a couple tiles from Gif.
- The world map uses assets from Aleksandr Makarov.
- UI graphics by Butter Milk.
- Gamepad icons by greatdocbrown.
- Shaders by César León.
- Music by Tallbeard Studios.
- Some Sound Effects by IndieSFX.
- A few sound effects by Leohpaz.
- And some sound effects come from pixabay (individual links will be included in the game soon).