The Viginiti Locus
Welcome to The Viginiti Locus where you find yourself in a mysterious monochrome building with your only hope of escape being four riddles and a promise.
To move between rooms or look at objects click on them. For the code pad click on it and then type it in all lower or upper case letters and hit enter.
And remember there are no hidden messages.
Naq erzrzore gurer ner ab uvqqra zrffntrf.
Naq erzrzore gurer ner ab uvqqra zrffntrf.
P.s. The Rescaling of images has cut out the letters in some rooms
These include:
1 -A 2-Z 3-W 4-? 5-Q 6-C 7-H 8-T 9-i 10-F 11-J 12-b 13-N 14-O 15-Y 16-E 17-S 18-K 19-? 20-M
Also I recommend using pen and paper to take notes