The Village (itch) (bluemeerkat)
made for MiniJam110 - Theme: Sacrifice, please consider leaving a comment or a rating :-)
When the demons came, nothing but human sacrifices could keep them at bay. Now the village is devoid of live, only the old and the weak remain. The last few villagers prepare for a desperate attempt at defending their home in a last stand against the relentless horde.
How to play
Click and drag the villager's portraits to assign them to a location. Click the "End Turn" button to advance time. Depending on the space they stand on, the villagers will fight, produce food, pray or heal themselves. The game is over when you run out of either food or morale, or the last villager dies. Each character has unique strengths and weaknesses, so try to figure out how to use them most effectively. You can strategically sacrifice a character to instantly defeat all demons on screen and buy some time. Death is inevitable, try to take as many demons with you as you can (my best is 50)!
- The peasant should be working whenever possible, or else food quickly becomes a problem
- The knight can kill even bigger demons in one hit, do not waste his attack power
- The hunter is effective against the small demons
- The old lady cannot fight, but you can still use her to stop enemies from advancing
- The elder can take up different roles, depending on the situation
- The big demon cannot be fought, prepare to take a lot of damage until he goes away
I was somewhat late to the jam, so the game is very unpolished (no menu, no proper ending etc.). I had little time for testing, so bugs are expected...