The World's Worst Asteroids Clone
So, there I was the other day, thinking back to my long lost youth. And you know what I really enjoyed when I was young? That good old arcade game Asteroids. So I thought to myself, 'hey, I bet I could make a version of that'! So I did. It was pretty good, even! And then, as I always do, I took a look at it and asked myself how I could possibly make it any worse. And then I made it worse.
Why you should download it:
- It's like Asteroids, but worse
- A lot worse
- Nigh unplayable, even
- I ruined the control scheme
- You can't even go in a straight line
- Good luck
Control with the WASD or arrow keys, and use space to fire. p or escape pauses. 10,000 points will give you an extra life.