Theia's Revenge

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Early in the history of our Solar system, astrophysicists believe Earth and its neighboring planet, which they have called Theia, formed too close together and collided, destroying Theia completely and causing a huge amount of magma from Earth to be cast into orbit, where it accumulated together to form the Moon.

"Theia's Revenge" is named for this bygone planet and challenges the player to assemble an asteroid defense network to protect Earth's fragile biosphere from a hail of incoming asteroids. The mechanics are inspired by Missile Command and other classic tower defense games, but with the twist of operating in full omnidirectional 3D.

Asteroids that strike Earth cause visible changes in the atmosphere, accomplished via a custom shader I wrote.

Asset packs used were some public domain astronomical images and prefabs from Unity's "Space Shooter" tutorial project; all other project artwork and code is my own.

Gameplay demo:

Right click and drag to move the camera view.
Try to click on asteroids to destroy them. For each asteroid destroyed, one unit of funding is awarded.
Use the UI buttons to spend the available funding to construct defense stations in orbit of Earth and the Moon or to launch Earth's nuclear arsenal to destroy all incoming asteroids at once.
After enough funding is secured, use the UI to heal the damage done to Earth's biosphere.

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Not rated

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Last Modified: Jul 11, 2022

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