Three Hearts
Octy, your angry octopus friend, throws random tantrums sometimes. Yes, they might throw things at us, but violence isn't the answer! Reach Octy's three hearts by hugging them in time before they destroy the space station. 🧡
This is a submission for 20 Second Game Jam 2022. Created in less than 5 days.
ControlsDesktop PC
W --- Move up A --- Move left S --- Move down D --- Move right Mouse L-click --- Buttons CreditsMeet the Team
Amie TrangUX, UI/Visual Design, 2D AnimationsBethany LongidLead ProgrammingRicky GonzalezGame DesignContributions
- gooseninja
- Unreal Boy Dev
- DyLESTorm
- VectorPixelStar
- godai78