Ticky In The Cave
Ticky, a digital clock got stuck in the caves and he has to find a way out. Luckily, he has a rewind skill that can help him escape!
- There are 5 levels in order for Ticky to escape.
- Collect the key to open the gate.
- Go to the gate and proceed to the next level.
A & D/ Arrow Left & Right - Move
Space - Jump
E - Rewind Skill
Details for the skill: As Ticky activates the skill, he will start his timer of 3 seconds and leave a clone of himself. Within that time, he can move anywhere he wants before he rewound back to where his clone was and reunite.
This is my first ever game jam as well as the first game that I'm uploading to the Internet!! I've learnt a lot while making this game, from making assets to coding. Hope you all liked it!
Created for Brackeys Jam 2020.2
I might add new features and updates in the future as I'm having fun playing with Ticky :D. As for now, I'm going to leave it as is. -Aug 8 2020