Timmy Telekinesis
Timmy Telekinesis is about a young man trying to keep his dream of winning a buggy race, despite being a mediocre racer.
To achieve this, he must use his telekinetic powers to steer other cars off the track and into the barriers.
ControlsWASD - Controls your buggy
Left, Right Arrows - Enters ‘telekinetic’ mode and cycles through the other cars.
Up, Down Arrows - Cancels telekinetic mode
BugsThere are at least 2 bugs I plan to fix in the coming days. The first is that the game ‘engine’ doesn’t respect the sound volume levels if you save and reload the game. The other is related to the physics simulation, which seams to randomly slow your buggy down.
Also, it is possible that the enemy buggies crash and don't really recover during the race. Just restart the game and the next time will probably be better.
I will update the base version of the game with bug fixes as they get fixed.
I will update the base version of the game with bug fixes as they get fixed, after work, and sleep