Tims Insane Meta Universe てぃむ
Tims insane meta-universe is a chemistry and physics simulation that allows you to design your own universe. Generate a random universe. Inspect the laws of physics and chemistry using tables or see the code and edit it! In this way you can create a universe with any laws you want.
WASD or ARROWS : move around
Z and X : Zoom in and out.
PHYSICS The simulation consists of a bunch of moving particles with friction. The forces on these particles are determined by the other particles around it. For instance, green can push yellow and yellow can in turn pull green. This makes green chase yellow. Open the physics table to see if a color is pushed or pulled by another color.
CHEMISTRY Particles can change color as well, this happens through chemistry. When two types of particles touch they change collor according to the chemistry rules. These can be seen in the chemistry table.
SLIDERS The sliders under realtime settings change the parameters of the entire universe.
Temperature determines how much velocity is lost, this can also be seen as friction.
Interaction force magnifies the forces between particles.
Interaction range sets the range where particles push or pull eachother. The highest force is in the middle of the range.
Reaction speed sets the probability that a reaction will happen when particles touch on a frame.
Universe AssemblerYou can add or remove your own rules using the universe assembler. Open simulation settings and click on universe assembler.
First the number of types should be specified.
nTypes <# of types>The maximum number of types in the assembler is 9. After this you can add your rules. When you make a mistake, the line will turn red and start shaking. the most common mistake is to forget the semicolon ;
REACTION: A chemical reaction can be added as
where all numbers are between 0 and (nTypes -1) When you enter an invalid number the line of code will turn purple. As an example, the line
p0 p2 -> p1 p3;is a reaction that turns red(0) and green(2) into yellow(1) and blue(3).
ATTRACTION: Attraction between two particles can be added as
p<number> to p<number> <force>Where number is between 0 and (nTypes-1) and force is between -100 and 100. A negative force will make the first particle move towards the second. A positive force moves the first particle away from the second. For instance the line
p2 to p3 -100;makes green attracted to blue with a force of 100.
Saving and sharing
You can save the code to your clipboard by pressing copy. Just paste it in some text file or a word document somewhere on your computer. Paste it back into the assembler when you want to load this universe again.