Tiny Reef
Tiny Reef is a simple educational management game which simulates natural selection amongst a small fish population within a fish tank. The player is a scientist who is tasked with experimenting with the traits of the various fish in order to achieve a specific balance within the ecosystem of that specific tank. An example of a challenge might be “remove sharks from the ecosystem.” There could be several small tanks or “levels” within the game, each containing different fish, different design layouts, and a different challenge to complete. Although the concept as it stands is not heavily story focused, (although there is room for development here) the narrative is that the player character works for some form of marine research laboratory and is completing tasks in the name of research. Using some new incredible technology, these researchers have managed to create miniature versions of real fish and flora which exist in a normal sized fish tank, hence the name Tiny Reef. The fish are not harmed or distressed in any way, as far as they are concerned, they are in their natural habitat, completely unaware that any experimentation is being done.