Tome Tactics
Developed July 14-Aug 25, 2019
Project lead, core gameplay, casting animations, spell effects, spell menu functionality, sound integration, movement indicator functionality, dice implementation: Dominick Aiudi
Player avatar model and related materials/effects, title screen background effects, logo, dice model and material, wood shader normal map, book material, glass material retouching: Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Spell icons, desktop models (book, pencil, glass), UI scrolling: Tyler Funk
Gameplay music: Alan Zaring
Main menu music: Jaime Rivas
Rock meshes and rock texturing: Erik Verlage
Multiple interaction bug fixes: Cole Andress
Particle texture for fireball: Klaim (A. Jo뮠Lamotte)
UI scaling: Brian Nielsen
Mouse over indicator when hovering over caster: Randy Tan Shaoxian
Main menu button added to spell screen: Osama "Dorgam" Alsalman
Background room skybox is by Jan Ainali under CCA license, see game credits for details.