While the pandemic we all try to #StayAtHome. During the time of isolation social media is even more important than before. The hashtags we are using create a digital narration about our life and global events. In #TORY we are investigating the story made by hashtags that were used during the #COVID-19 crisis.
#TORY is a puzzle game based on typography. The psychedelic music and light effects are building an original digital environment. By playing #TORY you can learn more about how the pandemic affected social media.
The game was created during the nation Polish game jam #ZostanWDomuRobGry (#StayAtHomeMakeGames) in a week. #TORY was created completely remotely, during our isolation time, and it is a part of movement #CreativeQuarantain.
If you would like to suggest a new hashtag, that we could use in the #TORY, please write a comment in the comment section.
Gameplay time: 20 - 60 minutes
Levels: 23