Totally possible maze
Admin7: set_description_for_test_subjects("Yes, you can totally win this in no time!")
-.. --- -. .----. - ....... .-- .- .. - ....... ..-. --- .-. ....... -.-. .-.. . .- -. ....... - . .- --
-WASD or Arrows to move.
- + and - to zoom.
- Click and mouse may be userful later in the game ;).
-It is not infinite or random, it is just pretty big but totally beatable (for real)
-Game will auto ajust render distance and effects for better performance, download desktop version for a far better experience.
-Requires GLES3 but should run on GLES2.
-Game performs auto save.
-Character may stop moving due to a bug when bad performance, if it happen reload the game, admin7 will fix it.