Tower Noire
Tower Noire is a small coffeebreak roguelike inspired by Cave Noire, Little Nemo, and Powder, created for 7DRL 2018 in PICO-8. I ended up reusing old, long-abandoned assets and concepts to be able to complete something in 7 days.
Controls are the default PICO-8 buttons (I use the arrow keys, Z for the menu/confirm and X to wait/cancel, but there may be a more comfortable alternative depending on your keyboard). Gamepads are also supported.
Gameplay Tips:
- The goal is to get to the 25th floor and defeat an enemy there, so plan accordingly.
- Your starting equipment will very quickly need to be upgraded.
- Passive effects for weapons may be more useful than additional strength.
- Some passives effect positioning and can help you from getting cornered.
- There are no boots in the game currently. Enjoy walking in the grass barefoot.
- Get a sense for the room before running straight in. Some enemies can kill you pretty easily in 1x1 hallways.
- Explore the room carefully for easy enemies that drop edible items and items scattered around.
- Falling down a hole will damage you and also let the enemies take a turn. On harder floors this can do a lot of damage.
- Move slowly.
Web (or Mobile) Player:
You can play the web version here: