Town 3310
Enter | Return - Start
W | Up | 2 - Select Up
A | Left | 4 - Select Left
D | Right | 6 - Select Right
S | Down | 8 - Select Down
Q | Page down | 1 - Previus Structure
E | Page up | 3 - Next Structure
C | Insert | 5 - Build Structure
Z | Home | 7 - Repair Structure
X | Delete | 9 - Sell Structure
Build your city and grow it's population while managing resources and surviving natural disaster in a world where they happen... a lot!
-Made by: Eduardo Seitz (Code), Eurukolindo (Design) and Pavloskasa (Art).
-Created for the Nokia 3310 Game Jam following the monochromatic pallet, 84x48 resolution and maximum of 12 controlls.