Train Station Renovation reviews

A good example of a satisfying simulator done just right.
There is, of course, room for improvement: there could be a little more content, the physics are a little janky here and there (thanks, Unity), some mechanics were obviously jammed into overarching UI elements and underlying mechanichs that just don't belong there, etc.
That being said, this game does it's job pretty well. The gameplay hits the perfect balance between being relaxing and somewhat of a challenge, the control scheme and the UI are intuitive, the graphics are decent, looks like the game is well optimized, the soundtrack, while a little repetitive, is fine and it sounds like it's royalty-free - always nice to see the devs caring about streamers. Also I've yet to experience at least one bug, which is also highly appreciated.
Overall, I'd say if you like satisfying niche simulators - definitely give this one a try and also check out my collection of similar games if you will.

«Sit back and relax»