Transcontinental Express
Transcontinental Express is a local multiplayer game. The object of the game is to have the most points by the time all states have been unlocked. Each player has an amount of points and money. Points are used to win the game, and money is used to build railroads, unlock states, and build train stations. Money can be gained via railroads (Connecting cities with larger populations grants more money than smaller ones), but points can only be gained via ranking highly in the current incentive, or by unlocking states. On a player's turn, they can build a railroad between two unlocked (orange) train stations by dragging a line from one train station to the other. The cost (based on distance) will be displayed on the screen. A player can also build a train station on a gray city by right-clicking on that city for $50. A player can unlock a state by pressing the "unlock state" button. Every four cycles (once every player has taken a turn), there will be a new incentive. An incentive is a task that players are incentivized to complete. At the end of the incentive, the players will be ranked and will gain points according to their performance of the incentive. Afterwards, a state will be unlocked, and there will be a new incentive. Have Fun!