Average Playtime: 3 hours

Rome: Total War - Collection

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Once the Roman Empire is under your command, don't lay down your sword just yet - the Barbarians are coming. With two award-winning titles from the esteemed Total War series, you'll have twice as many obstacles and opportunities to control and conquer the greatest empire ever known to man.
The Collection Edition includes:
Rome: Total War Guide one of three noble Roman families on a century spanning quest to seize control of the Roman Empire.
Rome: Total War - Barbarian Invasion
(official expansion pack to Rome: Total War) Witness the decline of Rome as Barbarian hordes attack, forcing a bitter internal struggle between rival factions.
Voted 2004 Best Strategy game by IGN, GameSpy and GameSpot.
Fight alongside or against history's greatest leaders such as Julius Caesar, Spartacus, and Hannibal to expand or destroy the Roman Empire.
Lay siege against the Romans as Attila the Hun, fearful Saxons, or other savage factions using signature weapons and abilities.
Command warrior-tested legions in cinematic epic battles with thousands of soldiers on-screen at once.
A century-spanning campaign charges players with strategically managing the economic, civil, religious and military arms of their empire.

Release date
Creative Assembly
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for iOS

System requirements for PC

Minimum: Microsoft® Windows® 2000/XP, Pentium III 1.0GHz or Athlon 1.0GHz processor or higher, 256MB RAM, 2.9GB of uncompressed free hard disk space (plus 500MB for Windows swap file), 100% DirectX® 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card and latest drivers, 100% Windows® 2000/XP compatible mouse, keyboard and latest drivers, DirectX® 9.0b, 64MB Hardware Accelerated video card with Shader 1 support and the latest drivers. Must be 100% DirectX® 9.0b compatible, 1024 x 768 Display Resolution, Internet (TCP / IP) play supported;Internet play requires broadband connection and latest drivers; LAN play requires Network card (Multiplayer)
Important Note: Some cards may not be compatible with the 3D acceleration features utilized by Medieval II: Total War. Please refer to your hardware manufacturer for 100% DirectX® 9.0b compatibility.
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Last Modified: Feb 3, 2025

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Rome: Total War - Collection reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Still one of the best Games of all Time. For 12 Years I've been playing the Game regularly and it's never going to be bland. Part 1, unlike Part 2, is perfectly balanced and can also be played very fluently. On Windows 10, you now have to excludes Anti-aliasing And change the Resolution in Preferences.txt. Otherwise you only have 1024x768. To cut it short, the Game Is a Stroke of Genius and presumably always will. Just perfect! Younger Players who do not know the Game will probably be too bland because of the dusty Graphics and they will also not have the Experience to master the Game. Ie I dare to predict they will say that Play is unfair and too heavy, or unpredictable. So rather leave your Fingers off it. The Game is for old Veterans who Part 2 goes too far.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
I still know, as I did then, how I always went to my Cousin Andreas as a young Boy and played everything possible about games there, which I was not even allowed to watch in My sleep from my Parents at that time. One Day I came over with him while he was playing a totally foreign Game to me. I watched him command troops and stomp entire Armies into the Ground with just a few Fighters and strategic Tricks. He offered to play me on a Round, but the short Round turned into the 10 Hours in which we sat together and strategically fought our way through this comical Land. Later in School, I learned that this "Country" is called Europe and is not a Country but a Continent. In relgions and History lessons, too, it turned out that my Knowledge of old Europe was not entirely useless when I could tell my Teachers all the City Names of what was important city names at the time. But never mind. I then asked my Cousin if I could borrow the Game with the Flags, as I called it. He then said that this was not a Problem and so I spent the rest of The summer only with Zocken. Get up Early in the morning, go to sleep late at night. Although I gave it back after some Time, I was missing, but luckily I had Consolation patches like Stronghold 2 and Stronghold Legends, but that's a different Story. A Few Years later, AFTER discovering Steam, CS: GO and LOL and GETTING bored, this one Game from my Childhood came to mind that I had loved so much in the past. Quickly entered the Name in the Search List, briefly maintained, and there it was: Rome: Total War. I'm tied back to the turn-based game that consists of epic Battles, History and endless possibilities and had tremendous Gameplay like no longer. The Graphics are acceptable in my Opinion, especially in Map mode. The AI, depending on the Setting, always demanded a lot from me and almost does not let you come to rest. I don't want to talk about the bush for as long As now. You Can definitely sacrifice a few Euros for such a Classic. Every Hour of my Life was worth it.
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