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Rome: Total War - Alexander

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The second official expansion to Rome: Total War, a game from the Total War series.

The Total War series by 2018 includes ten independent games and seven expansions to them.


The games of the series combine several genres.

4X genre: player control an exploire, expands, exploits, and exterminates.

EXplores - the player sends scouts to explore adjacent territories,

EXpands - the player is trying to assign new territories to himself, establishing settlements or expanding the influence of already existing settlements,

EXploits - the player collects or extracts resources, organizes and develops the industry.

EXterminates - attack on other empires, destruction of enemies. Often this becomes a condition for further expansion.

Games of the 4X genre usually have a very complex, detailed gameplay that takes considerable time to complete each of the four stages listed above.

Grand strategy: the player rules the country or the empire, the actions of individuals or even large teams are usually not emphasized, the player acts by entire industries and armies.

Real-time tactics: in games of this genre, all attention is paid to tactical actions on the battlefield - the location of units on the ground, the use of the terrain. Such games claim to reproduce the logic of real battles.

Turn-Based Strategy: gameplay evolves as an alternation of turns of each player. In one turn in the game world can take many years, many units can make a maneuver, can change a lot.


Mode "campaign" - the game takes place on some part of the Earth, in a certain historical period.

During one turn, the player can perform a number of very diverse actions: build, recruit and re-equip troops, change the location of troops, start negotiations, send a detachment of saboteurs on a mission or take part in a larger battle.

Tactical mode - the army fighting in a certain territory, and the battle takes place in real time.

Rome: Total War

This is the third game of the Total War series. The player plays for one of the factions of ancient Rome in the Republic from 270 BC (defeat of the last Apennine enemies of Rome) to the 14th year (death of Octavius ​​Augustus).

Traditional gameplay for the Total War games.

The strategic part of the game takes place in Europe, West Asia and North Africa. Each turn is half a year. The theme of this game - Rome, - led to a greater emphasis on the military parts of the game.

Rome: Total War - Alexander

This is the second official extension to Rome: Total War. The first extension was the Rome: Total War - Barbarion Invasion game.

Unlike all other games of the Total War series, this game can be played in just one faction - Macedonia, led by Alexander the Great. There are seven factions in the game:

Barbarian Factions: Scythia, Dahae, Illyria.
Macedonian Faction.
Eastern Factions: Persia, India.
Rebel Faction.

The number of turns in the game is limited - there are only 100 of them. A series of battles must be won no less than on the “medium” difficulty level in order to gain access to other battles.

Release date
Feral Interactive
Creative Assembly
SEGA, Feral Interactive
Age rating
13+ Teen

System requirements for PC

Minimum: Microsoft® Windows® 2000/XP, Pentium III 1.0GHz or Athlon 1.0GHz processor or higher, 256MB RAM , 2.9GB of uncompressed free hard disk space (plus 500MB for Windows swap file), 100% DirectX® 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card and latest drivers, 100% Windows® 2000/XP compatible mouse, keyboard and latest drivers, DirectX® 9.0b, 64MB Hardware Accelerated video card with Shader 1 support and the latest drivers. Must be 100% DirectX® 9.0b compatible, 1024 x 768, Internet (TCP / IP) play supported; Internet play requires broadband connection and latest drivers; LAN play requires Network card.
Important Note: Some cards may not be compatible with the 3D acceleration features utilized by Medieval II: Total War. Please refer to your hardware manufacturer for 100% DirectX® 9.0b compatibility.

System requirements for iOS

iPad Air, iPad Air Cellular, iPad Mini Retina, iPad Mini Retina Cellular, iPad Air 2, iPad Air 2 Cellular, iPad Mini 3, iPad Mini 3 Cellular, iPad Mini 4, iPad Mini 4 Cellular, iPad Pro, iPad Pro Cellular, iPad Pro 9.7, iPad Pro 9.7 Cellular, iPad 6 1 1, iPad 6 1 2, iPad 7 1, iPad 7 2, iPad 7 3, iPad 7 4, iPad 7 5, iPad 7 6, iPad 8 1 2, iPad 8 3 4, iPad 8 5 6, iPad 8 7 8, iPad Mini 5, iPad Mini 5 Cellular, iPad Air 3, iPad Air 3 Cellular
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Jul 19, 2024

Where to buy

App Store

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Rome: Total War - Alexander reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
In the field of pure tactics the game has stepped far forward by crossing the Rubicon. Previously, two large sprites competed in the level of superiority of equipment and security, and now tactical capabilities of the commander expanded and gained flexibility. Having Faced the campaign with the heirs of Alexander the great, you will feel what a real Macedonian phalanx is and how helpless it is in case of an operational rupture. A Warrior with a spear finally got no conditional advantage over the cavalry, but a noticeable visual. Bristling, such soldiers turn into an extremely difficult goal, if you attack them from the front. Forwards they seek to keep at a respectful distance, and especially frisky strike swords. But it is necessary to cover such formation from flanks or to strike in a rear as a formidable tactical unit runs up scatter, becoming prey of cavalry. The Battles have lost their schematiity. Planning has To take into account the possibilities of all sorts of troops-there are no strong and weak. When creating powerful shock groups heavily armed infandosoldiers should be aware of the direct support of the light and medium infantry. Without reliable protection of the rear and flanks, clumsy warriors will immediately fall into the clutches of soldiers who do not disdain the environment. At high levels of difficulty, the enemy, flying on the defensive orders, trying to act on the joints, pincers to compress the flanks, to leave the cavalry in the rear. Smart! But The most surprising is his clever handling of tactical advantages of the delivery of troops. With defense, the opponent's business is worse. The Enemy often manages to catch on the rebuilding. Usually AI tries to build its army all the front to the coming and it is easy to mislead. Conversely, when the cavalry of the enemy is divided, it is easy to smash the main forces in parts. The Only thing I would like to ask, if someone from responsible persons reads these reviews, include the Russian language game long localized, Russian-speaking population believe will be very grateful to You for your efforts.
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Microsoft from Swedish
Everyone time i try starting it, it sluts down my iPad. Dont work with new update mayby. Fix it!!!! Thanks for your patience while we investigated the issues you were experiencing in ROME: Total War - Alexander. An update for the game is now available, which fixes a crash that some users experienced when launching the game. Please update the game via the Updates section of the App Store and the issue should be resolved. If you are still having problems, please contact us directly via [email protected]. Please include App Store Review" in the subject of your email. Thanks, Feral Support
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Microsoft from French
I was a little bit by this game Rome Total War ... The basic one and Barbarian invasion were just gnial (except bug turns in Barbarian invasion) the campaign makes sense But it's at the level of custom battle content it there are only 3-4 factions if that has me much more ... in custom battle when we take the cavalry "Alexander" in general it would be nice to put Alexander and not an old general in cardboard it is what is missing in the personal battles of all the rome total wars is a real general but hey ... A bit shocked and really hard I advice you only for his campaign, which in difficult mode gives a good difficulty. I hope the next will be better!
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Microsoft from Deutsch
The campaign is good, but one has to say that thanks to the full stacks of opponents, armies and constant rebel spawning is something of a novice. It is a pity that only one campaign can be played here. say if you have this through, neither a follow-up campaign is unlocked or faction. Permanently with the same and the lap time limit of 100 rounds too monotonous. ROME: Total War - Alexander focuses exclusively on Alexander's historic campaign. Campaign mode allows players to play the Macedonian site, which was the case in the original version for desktop computers as well. The content of the game's campaign mode is also described in the Description section of the App Store. If you need more help, please contact us at [email protected] with a description of the problem, we're here to help. Please put "App Store Review" in the subject line of your e-mail. Many Thanks Feral Support
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