Tropico 3: Gold Edition

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Get in touch with your inner dictator!
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Command the Caribbean nation of Tropico in this delicious combination of strategic city builder and humorous political simulator. As an all-powerful “Presidente” with a resource-rich paradise in the palm of your hand, it’s your choice to rule with a velvet glove or an iron fist.
Tropico 3: Gold Edition gives you control over everything from your island’s infrastructure to its economy and diplomatic relations with competing superpowers. Balance the noisy demands of Tropico’s hard-to-please political factions with those of your offshore bankers in this tongue-in-cheek recreation of the Cold War in a hot climate.
Key Features:
• Have it your way! Run Tropico as a tourist mecca, an economic miracle, a police state or all three!
• Enjoy both the epic challenge of the 15-mission Campaign Mode and the intoxicating freedom of Sandbox Mode.
• When you’re the corrupt dictator of strategically important island, stuff happens! Wield your influence over every aspect of island life to prepare for everything from natural disasters to nuclear war.
• Help the people see things your way by “recounting” elections, “calming” rebels and issuing “creative” edicts, such as Burn Books, Bribe Factions and Print Money.
• Play as your favourite dictator! Pick from a rich list including Che Guevara, Evita Peron and of course, Fidel. Or create your very own strongman by shaping their character, background and beliefs.
• Create a cult of personality around El Presidente, help compose his silver-tongued speeches, manipulate the media and build monuments in his honor.
• Enjoy “Absolute Power”, the expansion pack included in Tropico 3: Gold Edition which offers a completely new 10-mission campaign.
• And always remember - power corrupts, but absolute power totally rocks.
Important information regarding Tropico 3: Gold Edition:
• If you require assistance, please contact our support team at [email protected]
• You can find out more about the game on the Tropico 3: Gold Edition mini-site at
• Minimum System Requirements: Processor: 2.0 GHz, RAM: 2GB, Graphics: 256MB, Free Space: 7GB.
• The following graphics cards are not supported: ATI X1xxx series, NVIDIA 7xxx series and Intel GMA series.
• The following cards require you to have 4GB of System RAM: NVIDIA 9400, NVIDIA 320M, Intel HD 3000.

Release date
Feral Interactive
Feral Interactive
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for macOS

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Sep 2, 2023

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