Turn Based Strategy Framework v2.1 - Demo Scene 1

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This level was build with Turn Based Strategy Framework - a highly customizable framework for turn based strategies. It allows to create custom shaped cell grids, place objects like units or obstacles on it and play a game with both human and AI players. The framework was designed to allow implementing various gameplay mechanisms easily. Please refer to Unity Asset Store page for more information.

This map is based on Spann Island level from Advance Wars game series. It was made with assets by Kenney: - 1 bit pack - https://kenney.nl/assets/bit-pack

The level was rebuild from ground-up to showcase new features in the upcoming TBS Framework update. The changes include a new Ability System that allowed to easily implement structure-capturing mechanism and deployment of new units during gameplay. Reworked AI System made it easy to program AI players to use new abilities. Finally, custom game ending conditions were introduced - capturing enemy HQ in this case.


There are three types of units in the game:

Name: Scout

Price: 1000

Description: Scout is the cheapest unit with low firepower. It is the only unit that can capture structures

Name: Knight

Price: 7000

Description: Knight an expensive, but powerfull unit with low mobility

Name: Wizard

Price: 6000

Description: Wizard is a moderately-priced unit with a strong ranged attack and weaker meele attack

There are three kinds of structures in the game:


-Factory - can spawn additional units

-HQ - capture enemy HQ to win the game

Each structure generates 500 gold  each turn for the player that controls it. Use scout to capture neutral and enemy structures by dropping it's loyality stat to 0.

The game incoroporates terrain system, where each terrain type has different movement cost and defence bonus. 

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Not rated

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Last Modified: Oct 1, 2021

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