Turn the Fight
“Turn the Fight” combines the game genres “Turn-Based Game” and “Beat’em Up / Fighting Game”.
In this game, two players are fighting each other by alternately performing randomly generated button/key-combos. When combos are successfully performed, the executing player pushes the other one back. Once a player is pushed to the edge of the fighting-platform, the attacking player gets the opportunity to perform a hard (long) finisher-combo. If succeeded, the player wins. Otherwise, the other player can counter with a slightly easier (shorter) combo to turn the tide and get back into the game.
Features- The game supports up to two players
- Keyboard and Gamepad (X Box) inputs can be used
- You can fight against an CPU (or even let two CPUs fight against each other)
- The game was made in Unity 2D
- All sounds and graphics were made by ourselves
- More playable characters and a character-selection screen
- Multiple stages
- Difficulty settings for NPC players
- Special effects (e.g. camera shakes)
- More animations for attacks (currently only one per character)
- Background music and UI sounds
- Rework some sounds in general
- …
We uploaded version 2 builds (V2 files) of the game where we now show the mouse cursor in the menus, as we solved a bug which would occur when highlighting a menu button with the cursor.
As we don't want to override our initial game entry for Ludum Date 41, the old versions are still available.