Tweet Tweet Sky
Tweet Tweet Sky
My 6th annual #TweetTweetJam entry is: Tweet Tweet Sky 🚀
An attempt to demake Low Mem Sky* in just 560 bytes (553 chars), using NO art assets!
*(...which was itself, a PICO-8 "demake" of No Man's Sky within a single PICO-8 cart)
- ⬆️⬇️⬅️➡️ = Fly / Walk
- ❎ = Land / Take off (when close to planet/station)
- ENTER / ⏸ = Menu access to/from Galactic Map
- (See below for details of *BONUS* companion TweetTweetJam entry!)
- 🌌 An explorable Galaxy - 7,153 units across
- 🌖 173 Planets*
- Each planet with terrain, lakes & dwellings*
- 🛰 173 Space Stations*
- (Tricky to dock - as always!)
- 🍎 Newtonian Physics*
- ✨ Parallax Starfield
- 🔥 "Realistic" Thruster*
- 🎞 60 FPS
- *(kinda, or as close an approximation of as I could do in 560 bytes
- so alas, was not able to fit in: resources, aliens, etc. 😅)
- In addition to the original entry code below, I created a *BONUS* 2nd TweetTweetJam entry, which compliments this one Interactive Galactic Map! 🗺 - Just like the good ol' days, when space exploration games like Frontier: Elite 2 came with a giant galaxy map poster (only this time, interactive!)
- (This might be the first time multiple TweetTweetJam entries were created to compliment each other? 🤔)
- Generated names for all Planets and Space stations
- Icons to indicate object type (Planet/Station)
- Displays current player position
- (Itch page only feature - see Notes below)
- Mouse only
- Below are the *actual* source codes for my jam entries
(e.g. two standalone carts, with no connection between them) - However, for this Itch page - I thought it'd be nice to add a way to quickly switch between the two carts AND ( adding a little bit more "non-Jam" code...) to persist the ship position between carts.
- In my original jam entries (code above), the interactive map only indicates the player's starting position, but is still a useful reference (and can be fun to determine where you are in it by looking at nearby planets, JUST LIKE A REAL "PAPER" MAP!)
- I hope this makes things clear that these two entries can & do stand alone, and that I was not trying to abuse the "spirit" of TweetTweetJam (my fav in the calendar!) 😊