UI & Chill
“Be not angry with outward events, for they care nothing for it.”
- Euripedes
Audio is essential in this game, so please play with headphones for an optimal experience.
Did the 6th Klagenfurt Winter Jam take its toll on you?
UI & Chill is a cozy game designed to help you calm down and de-stress from the jam.
All you have to do to play is put in a last bit of effort to adjust the game's settings...
...we hope it will be worth the cost.
- Yen Rye - Coding
- Ksyusha - Coding, Writing
- Ruxee - Art, Writing
- Adrippina - Art
- vulvariine - Human Resources, Windows Voice Acting
- SgtCondiment - Music, Writing, Scottish Voice Acting
- rachelgo - Writing, Extremely Calm Voice Acting
- Tomba - Playtesting, Windows Voice Acting
- Everyone - Game Design
(*** stay until the very end for a special message from Nigel Abercrombie***)