Ukraine vs. OrcZ
This is a tower defense game inspired by Plants vs. Zombies, but with a number of different mechanics. It's currently in development, and I'm looking for what feedback I can gather.
Sorry for the "programmer art" by the way. I have no idea how to draw, so this is what you get. If you are an artist and want to help out, please ping me. 😊
An important note about money:
It would be incredibly immoral to make money off of the Ruϟϟian invasion of Ukraine, which is why I ask you to please donate to Ukraine during the "game over" screen. However, I have decided to leave the option to pay for the game on as well. That is because at the end of each month I will forward all of that money to a trusted charity and my employer will match 100% of the amount. You are welcome to take this option if you wish to maximize your donation. That said, I understand that unless you know me personally this would require you to trust a stranger on the Internet, which is rarely a good idea. In the end I just encourage you to donate directly to the charity above or to any other one. Ukraine needs any help we can provide!