uncontrolled infection
A strategy battle game where you're fighting infected. You can pick your team to help you, but be carefull with what you pick. Since they can become infected themselfs.
No music or sound present, and all sprites and code were maby by me in the 2 days of the game jam.
Just mouse..
To do an Action you have to click "Do action!" and than select the member you want to do the action and that who to do the action on. Same for "Switch"
Only the member in front will get hit, so be carefull who you put in front.
There are four main classes in the game
Melee: just melee, is the only one that can kill people
Buffer: buff's somebody's abilty, this includes other buffers. But they cannot buff themselfs. Buffing has an effect on all other classes. Also by far the most important class for stuff likes combo's and such.
Healer: heals...
Bomber: Does away half the health of an enemy. But can only be used once. When buffed do more than half. Formula for this : health /= strength * buff
This game was developed in 2 days for the gmtk 2020 jam. The theme of which is out of control. The infected theme was based of this, since you lose control of your team members. Besides that I thought it would be interesting too have to pick your team carefully and plan ahead, as some team members could work well together or are weak to others. I think this idea can really be worked on further, currently the different classes don't build too much on top of each other, can't really do combo's and such.
Edit: ...the game is more broken than expected... but you get the idea