Untitled Farm Game (koukwst)
Welcome to the Untitled Farm Game
Your goal is to gather the veggies and avoid the baddies!!
Playing Untitled Farm Game is simple:
- Use left D-Pad or WASD to move
- Use right D-Pad or mouse to turn
Pro tip: use the D-Pad stick gently to move stealthy and assassinate your enemies
- Press RB or RMB to (un)equip your Shovel
- Press LT or LMB to Dig while being still
- press RT or Spacebar to Attack
Use Start or Esc/P key on web to (un)pause & bring instructions
That's all, gl;hf and get those precious veggies!
Untitled Farm Game was created during Global Game Jam 2023.
I used this music and this palette.
For more information on my experience and the development process, check out this article.