Untitled Party Puzzler
Chaos has been unleashed onto the world, causing destruction and discord wherever it went. As a last resort, a group of ancient robots has been unlocked from their seal. The game follows the adventures of the robots as they relearn their functions, clean up the mess caused by chaos, and finally seal up chaos by the end. Complete each level by reaching a goal/gate point or completing a level-specific task.
General Controls
R- Quickly Reset the Level. This will restart the entire level, sending each object and player back to how it was before the level was originally entered.
Player 1 Controls
- W - Move Player One Up
- S - Move Player One Down
- D - Move Player One Right
- A - Move Player One Left
Player 2 Controls
- Up Arrow- Move Player Two Up
- Down Arrow- Move Player Two Down
- Right Arrow- Move Player Two Right
- Left Arrow - Move Player Two Left
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Feb 20, 2023
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