Unto the Eight
The prototype for a bizarre game where you wander around, heading into the wilds to deliver packages for strange beings. Try not to freeze to death or get trampled along the way and learn about the odd little world you inhabit.
Use the arrow keys to move around. Walk into things to interact. Avoid walking into moving creatures (they are bad). Deliver 8 packages to 8 weirdos to win.
(1) There are 8 packages to deliver - the characters who entrust you with them are scattered around the world, but the first three can be found very close to the starting area. You can only hold one package at a time. If you press Esc to go into the pause menu you can see how many you have left to find and deliver.
(2) It may be a little unclear, but carrots, firepits, and wormplant all respawn after a number of steps. Their respawn time is similar to how long it takes for your lantern to dim or your temperature to drop.
(3) There are a ton of hidden wormplants and carrots. The game currently takes a little trial and error while you learn about where they are. This game has no RNG, and is completely deterministic - which includes enemy movement.
I was inspired to strive for simplicity, trying for something that favors exploration. The game is not meant to be easy, but more an homage to older games where you might learn about the rules and the world as you played. Despite appearances, it is not a roguelike, nor procedural. Determinism is the name of the game. The further north you go, the harder the game gets (in theory!)I’m going to rewrite, and make this into a full game, so please give me your feedback!