Urban_Access Weapon Demo Test V.0.1
Link to Scratch Version (Stats will be saved permanently) : https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/658593325
The itch.io version is much smoother and faster than the Scratch version. However, the Scratch version still runs gloriously. But, if you want that PC game experience then the itch.io version is the way to go. Stats will be saved every time you click the "Green Flag" when the after action report shows. The big caveat is if you close the client all the stats will be erased, due to the fact that the .exe file is not under the scratch cloud. For future versions I will see if there is a way to create a work around to save stats permanently. Thank you for understanding
Urban_Access: On-Rails Combat Redefined Weapon Demonstration Test gives you a sneak peek into the gunplay experience before the full release of Urban_Access. Some design decisions are placeholder and may change.
You are an operator instructor that is part of a secret international initiative called The Special Operations Division (SOD). There is a new set of operators coming in, and the instructors must practice their specialized guns to ensure they appear sharp in front of the new operators. SOD's director, known as the "Eagle", will be grading the instructors’ performance alongside his assistant who you will hear in the after action reports.
//Demo Mechanics//
- 3 Weapons
- 3 Challenges
- Ranking System
- Decent Computer Drawn Graphics/Animations
- Atmospheric Sound Effects
- Decent Gunplay
The main objective for this demo is to try and achieve the maximum rank for all of the challenges. Can you do it?!
//Future Content & Fixes//
Because I am working on the full game as a solo developer, I will be prioritizing the main project. But, when I have time I will ensure to fix the bugs you find as a player. Eventually I plan to add the following...
- Finished Stats Screen
- Challenges That Are Specific To Each Gun
- Achievements
- Fixed Particle System
//Special Thanks//
This demo would not have been possible without the help from fellow Scratchers:
Add your comments about any bugs that you see, that will be truly appreciated :).
*All sound effects are not owned by me, those audio clips that are not owned by me will be in the game's credits screen.*
Game was created using the {Scratch 3.0 Engine}