User Interface Project

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The key components of this project will consist of the Diegetic, Spatial and Meta UI. These 3 different UI techniques can be visualised in many different ways.

My reasoning for choosing this type of project stems from not touching too much within the User Interface and User experience sector in games giving me a lack of knowledge of that component, with hope that completing a project of this extent will enhance my knowledge within that sector therefore having multiple skill-sets and knowledge for different areas within the subject. 


Move Up, Down, Left, RightW,A,S,DLook Up, Down, Left RightMouse MovementCompass UpLeft ClickInventory Upi

Player health can be depleted by going near the red cube. Also the spatial UI is represented by an A* pathfinding bot that can be seen moving to the waypoint leaving a trail in which the player can follow. Items are used by left clicking them in the inventory system.

My initial plan was to ensure I had the 3 different UIs successfully implemented in which I have done. To add more to this
project would be to significantly improve the Inventory system by making it more appealing to the player and possibly
converting it to a diegetic type of UI. Other aspects include
more shaders and post processing effects and making it so it
looks more game like.

Release date
Arran D Smedley
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jan 8, 2021

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