Velocity Rush - Parkour FPS Demo

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Velocity Rush is a Parkour FPS currently being developed for Mobile devices. Right now the download will link to an apk file and you can test the game on most android devices. 

Here are some of the basic controls ( Yes there are others😏)

Basically the punch button does punches, kicks when you are in air. 

And sidekicks while moving sideways.

The block button is used to throw away guns and disarm enemies( which can be done by pressing the button when the enemy is about to melee).

The slide button will bring you into a slide. 

The jump button jumps

Poweups are available every 20 seconds after using such as Dashing and Slowmo Powerup.

You can jump into walls to do a wallrun and walljump from there.

You can also vault and climb when about to reach a high wall and also Jumping off walls doing a backflip. Only works with Hands Pistol and SMG. Shotgun only allows vaulting.

If you are in the air and press jump again and look to the right or left, it will bring you to a jump n Gun pose. (Max Payne style) It makes it harder for enemies to shoot you and you can strafe shoot them.

These activate bullet time which makes the game more dynamic.

Double tap the Joystick to do a dash in the desired direction.

So much combos to learn! From Wallrun shooting, Jump Kicking to Throwing Swords which impales through multiple enemies! There is so much stuff to uncover!

Many other features being added regularly! Make sure to check the  devlogs!

Choose your HUD visibility. An invisible one makes things harder but it will look good in videos.

More awesome features!

If the game lags you can use the settings options to lower the graphics quality.

Hope you have fun.

Also this is only a Demo. The full game will be released on the play store when the game is ready :)

I post news of the game on Twitter and Discord. 

Follow @VelocityRush_FP on Twitter

Join the Discord if you want to.

Release date
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Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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