Vermilion Demon
Move: Arrow keys (Keyboard) / D-Pad - Left Stick (Gamepad)
Jump: Z (Keyboard) / A (Gamepad)
Attack: X (Keyboard) / X (Gamepad)
Dash: C (Keyboard) / Right shoulder (Gamepad)
Directional attack: Up + Attack / Down + Attack
Greed brings with it a determined will to do evil.
In his uncontrollable desire for power, Vermilion trapped a fairy and encased her in his sword, thus making it the deadliest in the underworld. But this little being of light was not going to surrender without a fight, with his last breath she enchanted the sword of Vermilion, causing it to grow uncontrollably, if it reaches his heart, he will die. The only way to reduce the size of his blade is with the blood of innocent little creatures. To break the spell, he must face the powerful wizard Anorim.
EspañolLa codicia trae consigo voluntad determinada de hacer el mal.
En su deseo incontrolable de poder, Vermilion atrapó a un hada y la encerró en su espada, convirtiéndola así en la más letal del inframundo. Pero este pequeño ser de luz no iba a rendirse sin luchar, con su último aliento hechizó la espada de Vermilion, haciendo que crezca incontroladamente, si esta llega a su corazón, morirá. La única forma de reducir el tamaño de su espada es con la sangre de pequeñas e inocentes criaturas. Para romper con el hechizo, deberá enfrentarse al poderoso mago Anorim.
Made byNicolás Baltar: Programming, art, game design.
Leandro Fuchs: Programming, music and sound fx, game design.
UI issues with greater resolutions than 1920x1080
Music doesn't loop