Vietnam Game

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This is 'Vietnam Game', a new video game from Outhouse Media. Developed by the award-winning Entertainment Blog, and produced by our friend at Twisted Pix Entertainment, the game follows the adventure of Steve West, a 19 year old struggling to make a living in the city of Mahan, China. Along the way, he must navigate a world of politicians and businessmen, as well as shady figures, corruption and the ruthless Thugs.
The game is the result of a 4 year collaboration with our friend and producer Suzana Bao, who has a degree in Korean history and a passion for Chinese games. "I've been a huge fan of traditional Chinese games since I was a kid, and have been hanging around Chinatown's popular Quesi Quan (Chinese New Year) celebrations since I was 13 years old. The time of year when Chinese New Year comes around, I keep watching the fresh air and in the air pollution, and my dad's advice to canvass for votes for political parties and politics are always used to fuel my appreciation of Chinese game culture. I also still remember watching TV news on diseased children in hospitals, and wanted to see what would happen if their eyes got infected, so I went to my local college newspaper and read up on Chinese politics." Suzana Bao's first collaborative venture was with Outhouse Media, who produced the brilliant 'Vietnam Red Dye' company, which is now known as Sanctum Entertainment. Her interest in Chinese games started when she heard I was working on

Release date
Outhouse Media
Age rating
Not rated

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Vietnam Game screenshot, image №3075965 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Oct 22, 2021

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