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Millennia Ago, an empire spanning the galaxy collapsed after a long and brutal war.
In the Aldus system, two orphaned races slowly evolved on two separate planets. Both
races believed that they were unique and alone in the universe.
They were soon to find out that they were neither unique nor alone.
One-of-a-kind dynamic universe - multiple solar systems alive with planets, moons,
orbits, asteroid belts, debris fields and extraordinary spatial environments.
Two fully developed races with their own campaigns, unique strategies and technologies.
Campaign editor and tools, complete with the ability to script your own scenarios,
event triggers, campaigns and cut-scenes.*
Epic fleet combat with a wide variety of vessels and specialized units.

Release date
Strategy First
Strategy First
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP
  • Processor: PIII / Athlon 600 MHz or higher
  • Memory: 128 MB RAM
  • Graphics: 3D Video Card w/ 16 MB VRAM
  • DirectX: Version 8.1
  • Storage: 500 MB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX compatible Sound Card
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Last Modified: Jul 12, 2022

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Epic Games

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ORB reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Once upon a time, in the spring of 2003, this game was the first game I bought myself, coming to the store with discs, for my own, first, new computer. In those days, I was already a rather advanced, albeit somewhat young, lover of science fiction on space subjects, and read quite a lot of books about galactic empires and battles of scale of entire planetary systems. And Of course I couldn't pass by the disc with this game. I was lucky that I got caught this game! It was an excellent game embodiment of everything previously read and imagined. For many years it has become for me the benchmark of games, what they should be. A Terrific story to read to the end I recommend to everyone. Luxurious for those times graphics, I made tons of screenshots of this game as a wallpaper on my desktop, probably two years! And What in this game music! It's just fabulous music, since then, for all these years, I have not met a lot of games, with so much amazing music, probably enough fingers of both hands to list them. So far, remembering it, in my head unfold chic views of the icy space and fiercely burning in it battles. And What a battle it was! How many emotions they called! I was afraid of the battleships of the Fluoride Seekers, with these scary lasers when I had only light fighters! As I ran from him all over the map, and he flew in and destroyed my base, and I did not know what to do! As I was developing against him a strategy of action on that map, and how then tuned in a huge number of my fighters surrounded him like bees on all sides and burned to death! How I rejoiced that I have such a powerful power! And as I was shocked in the next battle, when these fighters met at once so much more powerful enemy that were completely useless rubbish, and in what I was despair, in thoughts what to me to do further and how to win. But The intriguing plot did not let me put my hands down and surrender, and I walked, and won. And what my feelings were much later, when I story received ships with the same lasers as those Seekers, only more powerful. I still remember all the ships and their modifications that are in the game. I remember the introductory video by Heart. And still, even several times passing this game, some places to pass for me very difficult, because the enemy is very strong. As I then, in the first times, all the days of sweating on these cards, and what feelings were, when I won, and did not dare immediately go further, in anticipation. And What a shock for me was the loss of several heavy ships, which I had so hard to build, so much effort and time spent on their creation, hid them from the enemy, when they were in the minority, then made a decisive blow, defeated the enemy, and in his absence they were destroyed.. I did not even understand at the beginning what happened-as it turned out, destroyed by a wandering asteroid. I didn't know what was possible in this game. And How I burnt down then a couple of times, when the same misunderstanding lost precious cars. Also for me this game became at that time an opportunity to learn how the games are arranged, I remember, I was digging a lot in the game files, the rules of the internal encyclopedia, as it seems that a couple of texts were mixed up in places. Extracted from the game and transferred this encyclopedia to the presentation format. Even from the bugs remembered the moment with the arms of one game faction on the fighters of another, at the first moment, when that faction appears in the game, on the story, and in general, they definitely should not be there. No More bugs were noticed. But It was noticed simply stunningly high-quality localization, which I have not seen so far none of the game, and by then I had a gaming experience, though not on my computer. I even thought at first time (here I was not experienced), and not the Russian whether the developers of the game? It Was translated everything-texts, sound, and even all the inscriptions inside the videos, and not subtitles, and as if it was done originally. Then this level of localization of games for me was a revelation and another example of how to do. Unfortunately, so far so do very seldom and few, sometimes this work is even done by fans, instead of official localizers. Summing up, I want to say that this great cosmic epic was deprived attention and then, undeserved forgotten in our time. Strictly recommend to all fans of space fiction.
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