This Game is WIP so don't expect anything.
Most Characters have Only Placeholders.
Version Information:
Pre-X.X.X = Pre-release (Bugs, Errors & Corrupted Save-Files)
X.X.X = Release (Should be Save and Stable)
Pre-0.0.1e (Android V:B)
Update und Transfer:
1. Find the Save-files
- Windows: '%APPDATA\RenPy\VisualNovel01-4243267'
- Mac: '$HOME/Library/RenPy/VisualNovel01-4243267'
- Linux: '$HOME/.renpy/VisualNovel01-4243267'
- Android: 'Internal-Storage/Android/data/'
2. Copy (Not Move) the '.save' Files and the 'persistent' file to a Save Location
3. Install the New Version
- Be Carefull because the Package and Game Name will change in future
4. Move the Copied save and persistant files to the New Location
# If something Changes I will only change it here and Announce it older Versions will be still downloadable but the support will be Stopped partly.
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