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VTOL VR is a near-futuristic combat flight game built specifically for Virtual Reality. You are the pilot of an AV-42C, a Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) capable vehicle that can perform transport, air to surface, and air to air combat roles. Take on a wide array of challenges that will put your flight skills, situational awareness, and combat tactics to the test.

No extra hardware is required. If you have a VR set with tracked controllers, then you have a virtual cockpit where you can reach out and interact with the stick and throttle, flip switches, press buttons, and even pull the eject handle if things go wrong.

Immerse yourself in action packed combat missions, delicate vertical landings, aircraft carrier operations, aerial refueling and more.Current Features
  • AV-42C Tilt-jet VTOL/STOL/CTOL Attack/Transport vehicle
  • Fully interactable cockpit via tracked controllers
  • Various interchangeable equipment - guns, rockets, missiles, bombs, etc.
  • Near realistic vehicle systems - heads-up display, targeting pod, multi-function displays, radar, IR flares, chaff, etc.
  • Head-mounted cueing system
  • Ejector seat
  • Realistic vehicle physics - lift, weight, thrust, drag
  • Several playable missions - "story mode" campaign, free flight, training scenarios/tutorials
  • AI wing men - fighter escorts and attack VTOLs
  • AI friends and foes - Tanks, artillery, surface-to-air missile launchers, ships, planes
  • Aerial refueling
  • Ground based refueling and rearmament
  • Carrier operations - catapult assisted takeoff, arrested landing
  • Island/ocean map
Planned FeaturesTo be added throughout Early Access
  • "F/A-26" Fighter/Attack Jet
  • More weapons and variants for different roles
  • More missions/complete campaign
  • More maps
  • More types of friendly and enemy units
  • Better vehicle damage model
  • Custom mission/campaign editor
  • Randomly generated missions
  • Radio communication system for commanding wing men and other AI
  • ATC system
  • General improvements to existing features
"Stretch Goals"If all goes well - possibly in updates after full release
  • Multiplayer
  • Full modding support
  • More flyable vehicles
Release date
Boundless Dynamics
Boundless Dynamics
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Microsoft Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-3570K or equivalent
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GTX 970 or equivalent
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
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Last Modified: Mar 19, 2025

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VTOL VR reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review The Positive in advance: Despite relatively simple Graphics, it has a certain flair and does not feel bad in VR. From an Immersion point of view, I find this best implemented-you can use it with the other VR-common Flight Sims. The Negative: It's just really Early Access. Sometimes he thinks I have Vive control, although I use the Oculus Touch, and also the Use in the Game itself, if you want to squeeze any Switches etc, is sometimes still a bit Frivolous. It took some time to check. I find that more difficult to fly myself. It's really not easy to keep the Bird up at all, let alone control iwas fast and wanted. There are 2 of insg so far. 3 scheduled Tutorials. In the first 2 you learn to throw at the Mill and then start or land the. The Tutorials aren't really good, though. Despite good English skills. The third Tutorial, in which one should learn to Fly, is still a Work in progress. Overall, it finds this a really interesting Game and with the greatest cool Implementation. But in some Places it still hacks, as a Developer I probably wouldn't have published it like that. There is a Thumbs up, hoping the Developer eliminates the Problems that are still there.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review Ich schreibe es für den Entwickler in gebrochenem Englisch. Wenn alles hinzukommt, wird dieses Review geändert. This Game is good! But i miss many Features: - Multiplayer with Voice-Communicate with Players (Very important) I´ve buyed this Game without MP, but i hope you engage this Feature in Future. - MOD-Support! Players can edit own Maps, other Vehicles, Helicopters ect. - Damage Model: The "Hull" is by 100. When the Hull is down, then i falling down. But now my Suggestion: When i have a CRITICAL Hit then my Vehicle explode instand. When i have a Hit in a Subsystem, then the System must be have Failure. Hydraulics failure, electrical failure, BURNING Engines (then i must turn off) etc. Then i dont must ever and ever eject. I can try an emergency landing... - More Tutorials! (Important) By Tutorial 4 is empty. What is the Radar Rockets? What is the helmet AR-View? How close is the Enemy-Rocket from me? What must i do for defend me from Rockets? And so far, and so far... - GERMAN-Language! (Important) - And while it is VERY IMPORTANT, here again: MULTIPLAYER! - Voice Commands (Radio) - More Music (for Cockpit-mp3-Player) Bugs: - The Comm-Volume dont work by me. Comms are ever loud. - The mp3-Player in Cockpit plays Musik WITHOUT Energy. Also i turned OFF APU, Engines, Battery. Very best reguards!
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