Way of Martial Arts
WOMA 0.5 is out!
What's new?:
- 10 weapons in tournament + 2 in wip (Temari bouncing ball; kaginawa [thank Kratus!] can be tested in its set): tonfa, nunchaku, bo, kusarigama, katana, tanto, shuko, shurikenhankyu and tetsubo
- 2 bonus stages: breaking boards and beat the temari throwers
- Added 1 more frame to static jump kick and a totally new static jump punch
- New duck moves: duckpain, duckbackpain, duckblock and duckblockpain
- 2 new anti aerial kick and punch (down, block + kick or punch) - News Loading, Intros and Game Over animated screens
- Enemies has taken some vitamins, so you'd better be prepared ;)
- Stages has been reworked
- Sunset stage is slightly animated, new Zen Dojo Garden stage:
- Better data loading and more random in watch mode
- A tutorial mode to learn some basic moves: