We perish'd, each alone (Castaway)...
In March of 2020 the English class I was taking read Virginia Wolf's "To the Lighthouse" which features Cowper's "The Castaway." It was also around this time, as high school seniors, that the MBS talked about the pandemic's personal effects on their lives, I hope this bitsy game blends those two experiences together in a somewhat enjoyable way. Created for EMS.
Text: Group Journal (2020- ), MBS members: jc, ez, and sz
Poem: "The Castaway" by William Cowper
BGM: The Little Shepard - Performed by Gerluz on piano - From "Gerluz plays Claude Debussy" (music from musopen.org, attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 unported CC BY-NC 3.0)
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Mar 15, 2021
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