Werewolf (itch) (SnowLeopardShark)

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Please note: This game is currently in development. The current version was made in 14 days for the Pixel Game Maker MV Game Jam. (8% of the total length of the jam. Man, I really came in late to this one.) Due to my (extremely) late start, none of the planned story content is currently implemented. After the jam ends, I will finish this up, but in the meantime, I hope you can have some fun with this short demo version! UPDATE: Werewolf v0.4, which was made after the deadline for the jam, adds music/sound. If you want to judge the game based on its state at the end of the deadline, download version 0.3.

Story summary:
Your village has elected a new mayor, and once they take office the pack's days will be numbered. Desperate, the son of the head werewolf turns to you, their closest friend, revealing the fact that they are a werewolf. After this stunning revelation, they turn you into a werewolf, asking you to help the pack take over the village.

If you can turn enough people into werewolves, any attempts by the new mayor to rid the village of werewolves will be met with tremendous resistance. Time is running out, but you have an advantage. The pack has access to a portal that leads through the spirit realm to any location nearby. Using this, it will be easy to make it teleport into the homes of your neighbors, turn them into werewolves, and make it back. Or, it would be easy, if not for the dangerous creatures that inhabit the spirit realm and the fact that you can only use the portal for one round-trip per day.

It will be difficult, but through perseverance and strategy, they may be a future for the pack.

Jump - Z (B on Nintendo-layout controller, A on Xbox, ✖ on PlayStation)
Bite - X (Y, X, □)
Run - Hold X while holding left or right (Y, X, □)
Lunge - X while jumping up (Y, X, □)
NOTE: Lunging is only possible while in the rising part of a jump.
FURTHER NOTE: Holding a direction while lunging will cause an arced motion, while simple pressing X will cause you to lunge straight forward.
Start - Enter (Plus, I honestly have no clue, options)
Full screen - Escape (No controller binding for this AFAIK)

I would have never been able to make this in just 14 days if I did all of the art for this. The art of Ansimuz  and FinalBossBlues, along with fonts from SomePX were invaluable.
While it is not implemented yet, I plan to make use of Narehop and Keiji Agusa's "Show Message Plugin - Upgraded!" for the story sections.
Music and sound effects by rubberduck, artisticdude, HydroGene and Nooskewl Games.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Apr 3, 2020

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