Werewolves of War
Use Space (or 'Y' on gamepad) to flip your plane around and dodge bullets.
Use Ctrl, or 'A' to continue past dialog.
2015-08-06 - Tied dodge to power so abuse it and you start doing less damage. Play skilfully to build your power. Replace health with a bar, and power as well. Power slowly regenerates to a max level which you don't lose on death - Everyone Must Win! Fixes timer bug and issue which stopped the win screen from showing. Thanks to everyone who commented and reported issues:
Daniel Mullins
Kara Jayne
Ian Burnette
XGames studio
Six Down Studios
Check their games out! And check out the other entries here!
2015-05-24 - Added title screen with controls.
2015-05-23 - Updated enemy firing patterns for a little more variety. Added timer for the end game. Time dilation effects when dodging multiple projectiles. Updated player power up sequence to support reverse firing. Some bug fixes.
2015-05-21 - Added new enemy type - volley fire, more varied enemy spawns and movement, scoring
2015-05-20 - Added restrictions to keep the player on the screen. Updated with a Unity web player build. Updated .exe build.
Entry for #PDJam based on Werewolves of War, by D. W. Hall. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/30124/30124-h/30124-h.htm
"Harmful or Fatal"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Resources.zip contains scripts, sprites, and sounds, that I created for this game. In the spirit of the public domain jam, they are available under the CC0 Waiver (http://creativecommons.org/choose/zero/).