Wild basketball
Welcome to wild basketball a two player game.have fun with your friends. Great game for partys. Game consist of two halftimes of 90seconds.if the score is equal then you have owertime to the first poen.
Game sounds simple at first but is hard to predict reactions of other player and where will ball go. Its fast and fun, best with more friends so its creates more fun and laugh.
NOTE: I hade problem with electricity ower the winter being in off grid spot in mountains. Then a long time to geth back to making game, after sucha long time i can't at the moment fix the game so it has bugs ,... hope to get to it leter because of that i am leting it for free.
Evry donation will be a high motivation for me to geth to it and do it again. For now i started other project(at the moment is more easy for me to start from 0 to build) so i hope in few mont to finish a WILD RACE , local multiplayer for 2 or more players. Please do comment and have fun with WILD BASKETBALL :)
System Requirements
- 64bit operating system
- support of GLES3
Installation Instructions
Windows: Download and run executable. Windows may (and probably will) complain that this file is unsafe. To the best of my knowledge this is a false positive.