Wireless Chess

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Wireless Chess was created for the Lost Relic Games - Game Jam. The theme of the jam was Connection. 

This might seem similar to Linked Chess, created for last years GMTK Game Jam, but the code that runs everything is made entirely differently. Linked Chess is basically all run out of one script, while this uses a Frankenstein mess of ScriptableObjects to run everything. The source for this can be found on my GitHub, while Linked Chess has its scripts in a zip file over on it's own page.

Wireless chess is a game of chess in which pieces switch teams by receiving wireless signals from each player's king.

The King puts out a signal in a square up to two spaces away. This signal is then repeated by each piece that establishes a connection with it, one space by pawns and two spaces by any other piece.

Connections are remade at the beginning of each turn.

Connections are established according to the following rules.

1. The connection from the previous turn, if available, will replace any connection.

2. The connection the lowest number of steps from the king.

3. The connection with the shortest distance between pieces.

4. The connection with the highest piece value in the following order: King, Queen, Bishop, Knight, Rook, Pawn.

5. The piece furthest to the left from the first (White) player's perspective.

6. The piece closest to the bottom from the first (white) player's perspective.

If a Pawn reaches the farthest row from it's controlling player, it will be promoted into a Jammer Pawn.

A Jammer Pawn can move and capture one space in any direction, like a king.

A Jammer Pawn will block any connection from the opposing team to any piece within a one space square.

Jammer Pawns will not change teams, and do not receive, repeat, or produce a signal.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: Jun 20, 2022

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