Won is a rhythm-based Samurai showdown where every choice you make brings you closer to the brink of bankrupcy.
Build up your revenue, starting from a single coin, and captapult party members equipped with larger-than-life weapons to reclaim your stolen fortune
Play with your proud headphones for the best experience!
Everything you do costs currency, and it must be to the beat of the bone-shaking music, no matter where you are. Using "Flair" will be a good starting point.
Tip: You can only purchase weapons if you are holding a buddy
Keys have different functionality depending on the state of your character.
{A,D -> Move}
{W -> Flair, Pickup/Hold, Drop, or Swap}
{S -> Punch, Throw, or Purchase}
{Escape -> Quit Game}
Created by Wesxdz and ColinM