Made for the Butterscotch Shenanijam 2018. Prepare for your eventual evisceration.
This is an atmospheric puzzle platformer. Please play in full screen (and with headphones on for greater effect, volume turned up)
You can play the HTML5 version or get the download version, where gamepad controls should work. If it runs too slow, try turning off the postprocess bloom.
I tried to use all themes: void sandwich, sticky justice and burn it down.
Achievements: Just shapes, Maverick (tried going for 3 colors as well but realized it is 3-bit so not really)
If you find it really tough to clear, there's a extra secret devcheat (Type "I")
Too bad you can't skip the final challenge!
Font - Single Sleeve
Sound fx from GDC Sonniss 2018
(Also, I reused a sound fx from my previous shenanijam entry! woohoo!)