Average Playtime: 3 hours


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FAST, CHALLENGING ONLINE CO-OPTake control of a cyberdragon and annihilate swarms of rocket propelled chainsaws either online or via LAN in this high speed, high skill 8 player co-op twinstick shooter.DESIGN YOUR OWN WEAPONSHarvest components from the smoking wreckage of your enemies and construct a vast arsenal of crazy weaponry. Gatling laser guided rocket launchers, bear teleporters and singularity cannons are just the beginning. All this customization isn’t just for show, either. Different weapon and character builds allow for a huge range of effective playstyles.TACTICAL DEPTHThe space skeleton armada is cunning and merciless – flanking, sniping, cloaking and teleporting are just a few of the tricks the AI is capable of. However, if you learn their tactics you can use your enemies weapons against them. All attacks have full friendly fire, and exceptional players can annihilate entire fleets by tricking them into shooting each other.MASSIVE BOSSESAfter obliterating enough regular enemies, you’ll have to face down screen filling deathmachines like the Killdozer, Bullet Devil and Terror Fortress Omega.PRESS QUOTES"what’s interesting about the game: the variety of its enemies, the manner in which you can manipulate its AI, and that it has singleplayer as well as 8-player coop."
- Graham Smith, Rock Paper Shotgun

"A beautiful shoot em up with super fast paced and challenging combat."
- Nick Puleo, Co-Optimus

"Want to be a teleporting, mine dropping, laser blade wielding cyberdragon? Or evasive and armed with railgun and chaingun? Or do you want to mind control enemy ships and use your laser like a tractor beam? All those playstyles are equally viable."
- Christian Valentin, Indie Game Enthusiast

"XenoRaptor is fantastic fun, it’s a well crafted top down space shooter, with an infusion of Dead Rising style, crazy weapon building. Highly Recommended."
- Alpha-Beta-Gamer

"There's something delightfully absurd about a giant circular saw flying through space"
- LowEndGamers

" Extremely responsive controls allow for precision accuracy, harrowing maneuvers, and a devastating outlay of firepower."
- Parker, Chalgyrs Game Room
Release date
Peter Cleary
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for Linux

System requirements for macOS

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Processor: pentium dual core 2.5ghz
  • Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 3000
  • Storage: 500 MB available space
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Last Modified: Dec 30, 2019

Where to buy

PlayStation Store
Xbox Store

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Get the Point(s)
Score 100,000 points.
Charging My Laser
Kill 1,000 enemies with lasers.
Defeat all enemies along 10 waves in the same planet.
Loadsa Dakka
Kill 2,000 enemies with the chaingun.
Unlock 20 items.
view all achievements
11 items

XenoRaptor reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review bester twinstick shooter ! you cant stop shooting ! ratatatatatatatata bäm bäm bäääääääääääääääm...
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Microsoft from French
Early Access Review Just f*king awesome !!!! Speed play Co-op included Adrenalin rush Fun game Cool music Really really very good you need it !!!
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review Genialer top-down shooter that really makes a lot of fun to play with friends. Initially equipped only with Chaingun and Railgun, one kicks the opponent horden wave for wave until the Mid boss appears and you have to defeat it. After each boss kill you get a Level (Earth, Mars phobos etc are the map or level names) specific equipment item, such as a new type of weapon, a raised weapon or a new type of ammunition, new engine or similar. With increasing players, the opponents get tougher, have more Life and you have to tactically dodge. Another fun factor is the friendly fire, weapons such as railgun and chaingun with relatively wide range occasionally meet one two players who are or were on the other side of the Card. Really really real great game, the opponent AI is very mature and a good challenge. Especially in Multiplayer because there is no difficult regulator. :D Especially if it reduces it, the game in particular is highly recommended of the 4-pack!
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review I've already played the Game 8 Hours and I'm hard thrilled. Not played such an intense twin stick space Shooter for a long time. I can't quite assess The Scope of the Game yet, but so far the Scope is really fine. Pros:-great Graphics-really good Effects and lots of Explosions (that's rumbling Right)-great 360 ° gameplay and catchy but challenging controls (after an Adjustment phase it's wonderful)-the Weapons show clear differences and need to work for the Style of Play And the Planets are adjusted-many equipment upgrades for the Ship-very different Planets with different Enemy types and Attack Patterns negative:-the Difficulty Level is really happy-> I had to practice long to halfway well through the Levels To come-you die many Death-> if you can't get a frustration, it will be hard to find your Fun-the Sound effects and also Soundtracks are quite neat-> but I think here a little more Variety would have done good-too bad that there is only one Ship (which looks like a Dire Gliders)-> Different Ship types would not have hurt Conclusion: Clear buy recommendation for anyone who loves twin Stick space Shooters, seek the Challenge, chase the leaderboard places and High Scores, and who love it when it really rumbles around.
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