XXX Puzzle

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“XXX Puzzle” is a interpretation of the game “15 Puzzle”. It is straightforward and yet captivating, designed for true lovers of intellectual games.

Particular features of the game:

  • 7 Levels + Bonus level
  • Several original sets of game mechanics (two playing fields)
  • Pretty girls
  • Varying sizes of playing fields (3x3, 4x4, 5x5)
  • 300+ achievements
Release date
L. Stotch
L. Stotch
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: 1000 MHz
  • Memory: 1024 MB RAM
  • Graphics: Hardware support WebGL - OpenGL 2.1 (GPU Memory - 512MB)
  • Storage: 133 MB available space
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Last Modified: Jan 25, 2025

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Pass the Level 8
Pass the Level 6
Pass the Level 8
Pass the Level 8
Pass the Level 8
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306 items

XXX Puzzle reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
I Hate the five. To XXX Puzzle No claims, I just once again convinced that I hate the five. Not that I did not know the algorithm of the Assembly, just in childhood and so spent a lot of time on the heels in different quests (well, it is those that only in the Russian segment exist as a genre) and adventures, and the mechanics of Pyatnasek especially did not change from the time of the invention. Initially I wanted to just peek into the game and see what it was like, but the achievements of the fell down and had to finish the game completely through the pain. At The last level I finally burned! On the other hand, L. Stotch is difficult to show anything but thirst for profit (he has already flooded Steam with his games and DLC to them, and in the future will only strengthen his presence)-Pictures-the awards for the collected Pyatashki quite juicy, and mechanics invented not him, so he It's hard to penhandle. Such Cases! SUBSCRIBE TO THE CURATOR AND JOIN THE GROUP
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Product received for free read negative reviews... Are you serious?! With Half of you (I'm about dissatisfied), if you view your reviews, you can notice an interesting thing (if not to say-an unhealthy trend)! Here is the game you scold, ponder about: censorship, mental development, garbage games in the steam... Some even some links with "Proofami" throw... And then-positive reviews on the real and meaningless crap, without a decent sound, affectation and script! And The thing is not that the taste and color of all the markers are different! For your praise, I understand, should be observed, in addition to free, some conditions: Sisipisi (and more), cards (where without them) and naturally achieve, and that for their receipt did not need to spend time and put effort. In this case, for ordinary stim-zadota everything else is either secondary or at all not important. For example, Gryspe (one of the dudes scattering rods), there is a wonderful, positive review on hentai-puzzles. "You can pass the game, strangle the goose and get all the Achivki in just 20-30 minutes"-he wrote. And What do we see? The same Fifteen, the same three hundred achievements, much more primitive (nine levels and all 3x3), moreover, for the weak speculative spirit is all chewed as a pass and how to get the coveted Achivki (which is not to say about this game, there really have to sweat), it is even paid! Is it Better drawn than this game? No! Despite a completely different style (I am about drawing) work L. Stotch on several orders of technical and quality (I'm you as an artist say) Is there nudity? On The two pictures you can see (drum shot... Ta-Daaam!) A pair of bare boob! And so on and so forth... What am I about? Guys, I understand you got to the ball game, but with the achievements did not work out (because you do not know how to think!), and also to ananianate too... But This is not a reason for shouting and groaning! You didn't even pay a penny!!! My conclusion-I Recommend! The Game is good, with high-quality and humorous drawing (plus-a little cheer your brains). Is It worth giving money for it? I think so. Do I Buy a game? It Is possible. P.S. No, I am not familiar with the developer... No, Money (unfortunately) to me for such quantity of text have not given... P.P.S. Do not try to buy XXZ Squad, as well as the whole XXZ Season Pass! This is a really shameful haltur!
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