XZ - 03
A spaceship explodes and you're the only survivor. Your escape pod flies towards the crash site but sustains damage during flight. You'll need to find and repair any parts for the escape pod you come across and even worse, it seems this planet isn't uninhabited. An incoming dust storm has got XZ-03's residents feeling rather aggressive and you're looking like a perfect target...
[W, A, S, D] -> Movement
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] -> Select firing type
[LMB] -> Fire
[RMB} -> Build defences
[E] -> Build mining/repair droid
[ESC} -> Pause game
This game was built in just over three months as a personal goal to develop a longer project from start to finish in the Unity engine. All assets were developed by myself or were a part of a Unity package. Exceptions are NavMesh2D by noobtuts and the pixellari font by Zacchary Dempsey-Plante. Personal thanks to my chief tester as credited within game. If you have any opinions, issues or bugs please leave a comment here or contact me using the information found below.
Twitter: @Bocodillo
Email: [email protected]