[[] ...Yazi's (O)dysseY... []]
"Every Unit Sold of this Game We Help Save Cats by Donating to the Tree of Life Cat Rescue! Believe it! So Thank You if you decide to Purrrrrchase! =^._.^="
Yazi's Odyssey : Chronicles of the Astro Orbs!
#!!~ 3-1 GAME ~!!# [] Includes these Games: []
Yazi's Odyssey -IN A REALM OF IT's OWN-, CARGO -ARCADE- , Dnomaid -PUZZLE-
"This is a MUST HAVE for Any Hard-core Old and New School Gamer!"
"Each Game Purchased will have Money Donated Automatically to the Tree of Life Foundation. They are a Cat Rescue! So Thanks for Your Purchase! Believe it! "
*As an added Bonus I will Update Yazi's Odyssey with a Brand New Level-3-stages-1-boss battle Every Single Year!~~ The Journey Never Ends! Believe That! {~_6}_y
~1 Player
~[] FORMAT : [] Desktop PC, Windows OS
~[] GENRE : [] Action/Adventure/Plat-Former/Racing/Boxing/Shooter/Shoot-EM-UP/Arkanoid /Puzzle/RPG/Arcade!
~[] 5 [] Levels of Adventure to Explore~ Each has 3 Astro Orbs to Collect!
~[] 3 [] Stages Per Level, and 1 Boss Battle.
~[] 1 [] A Final Boss Level which includes 4! Arkanoid Stages!~ Each of these Stages has a Toxic Version of the 4 Previous Bosses Yazi Encounters!!!WOOOWerz~ and Mode7 Final Boss Battle Matrix Style to Boot! *Faints... Lelel
~Hand Drawn Comics. Whoever Beats the Game without Dying, and Proves it to me I will Sign and Send you the Original Drawings of ALL of the Comics! As an Extra Bonus! my facebook is [email protected] feel free to msg me Anytime with Comments and / or Questions about the Game!
~Auto Save Feature Upon Entering the Level Select Screen.
~Tons of Mini-Games such as a Go-Kart Stage, Pinball Boss Battle, Arkanoid Stage like Break-Out_ And Yazi goes into the Pixelverse! There the game is Different with Dual Gravity meaning you can go upside down! and It plays a lot like "MegaMan" !
~[] 2 [] Full Games in the Mini-Arcade, that doesn't need to be Unlocked!
~[] 47 [] Baddies Every Stage has 1+ New Baddies so there is LOT(s) of Variety.
~[] 9 [] Boss Battles! with an Alternate Final Boss Battle!
~Speed Run Feature Already Built-in to the Game!
~High Score-Board Feature whenever you go into the High Score-Board Screen on the Level Select Screen.
~Built-in Tutorial with INSTRUCTION BOOKLET that shows all the Baddies in the Game!
~Joystick Compatibility! [] HOW TO [] Press the J to toggle to Joystick, K to toggle back to Keyboard
[] CONTROL(S) INSTRUCTIONS [] Keyboard and USB Controller Compatible
[ < ] and/or [ > ] ~~ Arrow Keys to Move left and right
Left and Right Stick on the Controller
[ ^ ] ~~ Up Arrow to Jump, and Press again to Hover
Button 1 on the Controller and Press again to Hover!
[ z ]~~ Z Key to Shoot Yazi's Mystical Fire Ball [] NOTE! [] Can ONLY be performed while standing on ground!
Button 2 on the Controller
~~ All Other Controls will be Explained In-Game in the Tutorials or by the Bosses.
[] TIP(s) and TRICK(s) []
One way to easily Beat YoYo, if you ever just wanted to play through it without worrying too much about losing. Is to do this~
Every time you go to the GAME-OVER screen, and return to the level you were last at. You are Granted a +1 Lucky Kitty Life Booster. So for example you start out with 3 and you lose for the very first time, when you return you will start out with 4, and it keeps stacking... 5,6,7+ SOOOOOO basically It rewards you whenever you lose the game. This is to ensure that the player Will get to the End of the Game. I know I made it kinda Difficult on some parts. loool Believe me *yelps I even have trouble and I am the Creator! *swts. But I added that so Hopefully the Player won't get too discouraged... Also Note on the Game Over Screen there is a Random Lucky Uplifting Quote to keep You Motivated! All of those are Real Quotes by Famous People and there are 23 of them in Total. Very good Stuff I must say myself! But ya. Just Lose the game 4-5 times, to give you a 7-8 Life Buffer. That should set you up for the Rest of the Game! But Also Note, You won't get the Alternate Boss Battle if you lose once. That's for Expert Gamers Only! lool ~~~"thinks to himself~you've never once done that yourself you goober~" *swts more lool
~ Just J.A.B IT ~}~_6}_/c]]]] < Fist BUMP Yo! )