Yoko City Fire Rush
===7DRL 2023 entry===
Pinned Notes:
- You can pull up the help page in-game with "?" if you missed it at the beginning.
- I forgot to add <enter> key for skill activation when doing the wasd keys, so right now it only works with <numpad enter> key. sorry!
- If any judges are having trouble running the game, please contact me at renlawrence AT gmail.com with your OS version and I can try and get a build for you ASAP!
Made by rentonl and Finch
A turn-based rogue-like where you must descend the floors of a burning office building while attempting to rescue as many civilians as possible. Made with python+pygame.
Notable features:
- Dynamic building damage and recursive floor collapses. Damage and collapses can even happen on floors you currently aren't on!
- Entities on all floors step and perform regardless of whether or not you are on that floor.
- Actionable entities are similar to player. NPC firefighters can use some of the same skills as you.
- Mostly all sprites are uniquely made by Finch. The rest are from oryx design labs https://www.oryxdesignlab.com/
- Particle effects for fire and dust.
- Final grade based on an assortment of scoring criteria.
- Unique UI features showing relative damage of all floors as well as mini-maps of the floors above and below you. Watch out for those collapsing ceiling tiles!
Berlin Interpretation checklist:
- Random environment generation: Floors and entity placement are randomly placed. Albeit poorly.
- Permadeath: You only get one shot.
- Turn-based: Game actions are turn-based. Effects are real-time.
- Grid-based: Entities confined to bounds of floor grid.
- Non-modal: Partial. Game includes menus. Other than that the game is in one state.
- Complexity: Lots of complexity in dynamic building damage and floor collapses.
- Resource management: Need to manage hp and skill cooldowns.
- Hack'n'slash: Requirement not met
- Exploration and Discovery: Must explore multiple floors to find the civilians to rescue.
- Single player character: Requirement met.
- Monsters are similar to players: Partial. All actionable entities are based off of the same parent class. There are a few custom methods of derived classes not worked into base classes. However, for the most part the requirement is fulfilled. For example, all unit entities share similar behaviour and methods. A few hacky attributes were stuck on specific entity types at the end for the sake of speed of devlelopment.
- Tactical challenge: Hopefully the case with more balance tweaking.
- ASCII display: Requirement not met
- Dungeons: Randomly generated floors.
- Numbers: Requirment not met. Most numbers are hidden from the player
This game utilises my existing WIP engine called RLEngine. Some of the features my engine provided before the jam:
- Input management
- Complex turn-based game state management
- Complex entity state management
- Entity cache and index management for collisions and positions
- Map management
- Animated entities
- Pre-made widgets
- Inventory and Skill management
- Random map generation with biomes and biome rooms (sorta)
- Entity and targeting systems (sorta)